Internode phone numbers
This article lists the phone numbers that Internode gives to customers so they can call us.
Using the Find tool in your web browser can help you find a specific phone number on this page:
- On Windows desktop, use CTRL + F on your keyboard to open the Find tool.
- On Mac desktop, use Command + F on your keyboard to open the Find tool.
- On Android mobile, tap More options (the three dots in the top right) then Find in page.
- On iOS mobile, tap Share (the square icon with the upwards arrow at the bottom of the screen) then Find on page.
Phone numbers for you to call us
The following phone numbers are well known from our Contact us page:
You may receive an email or SMS asking you to call us on a different phone number. These unique numbers help you get through to the right team in our call centre to help you with a specific issue:
- 1300 032 323
- 1300 151 171
- 1300 308 490
- 1300 314 626
- 1300 336 393
- 1300 379 544
- 1300 432 818
- 1300 549 220
- 1300 550 146
- 1300 550 269
- 1300 554 019
- 1300 555 056
- 1300 556 528
- 1300 584 939
- 1300 626 669
- 1300 634 795
- 1300 634 951
- 1300 704 037
- 1300 765 790
- 1300 766 490
- 1300 796 139
- 1300 796 143
- 1300 796 475
- 1300 858 234
- 1300 886 880
- 1300 945 737
- 1300 993 586
- 1300 993 587